Today’s Vision is Tomorrow’s New Horizon


Three summits, four glaciers and a magnificent view that excite not only passionate mountain enthusiasts – Piz PaLü. ‘But what does a breathtaking Alpine three-thousander in the Bernina Mountains have to do with an independent Asset Management company?’. In fact, a great deal.

trailblazers, visionaries

Excellence Through Tradition

In 2008, Paul A. Lüdin laid the foundation for the company that it has become today – PaLü Partner AG. Anacronym that encapsulates the diverse maxims of the alpine world and represents our claim: Trust and responsibility, vision and security, courage and goals. This is the basis upon which a valuable future from assets is built.

PaLü Partner is a trustworthy and independent partner that stands by its clients long-term and supports them with a view to the future. Always aiming towards the peak of what is achievable, striving for excellence in everything that we do.

Asset Management

Independent & Customised

Being in close contact with our clients is at the core of all of our activities. Firstly, we look closely at your current financial situation and take your personal preferences into account as well. Working together with you, we define your investment objectives, keeping in mind your risk tolerance and capacity. This enables us to develop an individual investment strategy aligned to your preferred investment horizon.

For us, it is imperative that we take the time to discuss with you the factors that are crucial for a successful long-term strategy. We believe that success-oriented asset management also includes the constant monitoring of your individual parameters and needs.

Our investment philosophy is one of active risk management across all investment classes. Thanks to our open platform, we ensure a sustainable and independent instrument selection.

René Hermann
Board of Directors, Vice CEO, Executive Board

Family Office

Personal & Transparent

With our many years of experience, the partners and the entire PaLü team understand wealth in all its facets. With a sense of responsibility and our well-founded expertise, we accompany you and your family in the asset structuring and management of your portfolio. Our services are efficient and personal, and our solutions are tailor-made to meet your individual needs.

We use our unique network of trusted and long-term partners to provide both qualified and active support for our clients when we deem this to be useful or necessary.


Our clients and their needs are at the heart of our activities. In this respect, we are particularly focussed on preserving your wealth and transferring your assets to the next generation.

Thomas Rosenberger
CEO, Executive Board

Vision & Mission

What inspires us and drives us forward

We believe in values. The value of assets – for a future where opportunities are seized, and potential is exploited. For you, your family and future generations. As your guide in this pursuit, we have set high standards for ourselves. You can rely on us – our foresight, clarity and honesty enable us to work on your behalf with authenticity and reliability. This is our strength. For us, a comprehensive market overview is just as critical as a holistic view of all the assets in a portfolio.
With your wishes and needs as our compass, we strive to achieve your goals. Based on a solid foundation – our expert team and our solid equity ratio.

The PaLü Partner Team

Experience Combined with Expertise

The company is headed by René Hermann and Thomas Rosenberger. With their many years of experience in wealth management, they give your assets the best possible perspective. They are supported by their team, which accompanies you every step of the way on your journey to achieve your investment goals.

Thomas Rosenberger

CEO, Executive Board

With more than 25 years’ experience in advising wealthy private clients, Thomas Rosenberger embodies international expertise. During his career, he has worked for UBS AG in Zurich, Abu Dabi, Dubai and London. At Swiss Capital Management, he was responsible for developing his own client portfolio and for compliance at the Liechtenstein office. He now applies the knowledge acquired during his career to support you in your individual goals, needs and risk requirements.

René Hermann

Board of Directors, Vice CEO, Executive Board

The more than 30 years of experience in advising wealthy private clients is what distinguishes René Hermann. Having held senior management posts at several Swiss banks, i.e. Credit Suisse AG, Maerki Baumann & Co. AG, Valartis Bank AG and Mirabaud & Cie AG, as well as having co-founded MackHermann & Partner AG, René Hermann’s professional and entrepreneurial background with experience in support of fund management companies and investment committees makes him a committed partner for the achievement of your goals.

Tobias Grässli

Analysis & Wealth Management

As a risk manager, analyst and asset manager, Tobias Grässli looks back on over 20 years of experience in asset management, where he managed different asset classes of portfolios (equities/alternative investments) using both rule-based (quant) as well as traditional methods. Today, he is very much committed to analysis, asset management and process management.

Roman von Fuhrherr

Risk und Compliance

After completing his studies in Business Administration, Roman v. Fuhrherr worked for the Swiss major banks UBS and Credit Suisse in various positions for almost 25 years. After positions as Relationship Manager, Head Wealth Planning and Chief of Staff of a large market organization, he has specialized in risk management and compliance since 2014. He is a sparring partner of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for all risk and compliance issues, is responsible for the internal control system and contributes significantly to an active risk culture at PaLü Partner AG.

Board of Directors

Dr Beatrix Jäger (law)

Chairman, Managing Director, SynoFin Risikomanagement, Vaduz

Thomas Osterwalder

Board of Directors, Vice CEO Zurich Invest AG, Zurich

René Hermann

Board of Directors, Vice CEO, Executive Board PaLü Partner AG, Zug

Contact Information

We are here for you

Let us discuss your investment goals together –
We look forward to welcoming you to our offices
at beautiful Lake Zug.

PaLü Partner AG
Chamerstrasse 14
CH-6300 Zug

Phone +41 44 388 49 99
Fax +41 44 388 49 90
